Thursday, January 27, 2011

Birthday songs!

Guess who's 30 today?! I'm not ashamed to say that I've been waking up on this day and playing Atom & His Package's Happy Birthday General every year since I was 16 or 17. Today, I don't just get to play it for myself, I get to sing it from the mountaintops! Assuming I can call this little blog a metaphoric mountaintop. In addition to Happy Birthday General, I'm also sharing a bunch of other birthday related songs.

Songs included in the package:
Atom & His Package- Happy Birthday General
The Beatles- Birthday
Groovie Ghoulies- Happy Birthday Song
Happy Birthday- Subliminal Message
Mirah- Birthday Present
Ween- Birthday Boy
J Church- Birthday
Stevie Wonder- Happy Birthday
The Birthday Party- Big-Jesus-Trash-Can

Happy Birthday!

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